Thursday, March 24, 2011


Let me take a moment and tell you about one of my very best friends. She's a beautiful young and intelligent woman . We struggled together to complete a major academic degree, and now she owns her own place, holds down a praise-worthy salary, owns TWO vehicles, and has supported both her sister and brother while they were in school.

When I think of this lovely lady, the word, "exotic" pops in my head. She grew up in a non-American culture and never fails to project that when you are in her presence. It's in her conversations, her home decor, her attitude. Never "regular", she has a dynamic taste that I've always envied. She ALWAYS dresses to the nine, with well put together outfits. I'm sorry, outfits don't do them justice, let's use the word- moments. And she only rocks the latest style when it comes to her well cared for tresses. On top of that her vacations are on an international level. (Most people dream of this) She is in a class above others.

But under all of her accomplishments and the aesthetics, she is a wonderful friend. She is funny, dependable, and a good listener. Most of all she is loyal, supportive, and trustworthy. I feel honored that she calls me friend (actually she calls me a BFF).

With all that going on, the final word I will describe her with is... FABULOUS!

Love you, babe!! :-)