Saturday, September 25, 2010


So I volunteered to watch my god children this weekend. 3 and 5. I haven't been the best god mother. I haven't seen them since April, and I've been out of touch with the god mother. So you'd think I'd be excited! Lots of energy to see and play with them? All sorts of activities to plan?

No, no, no. They are actually here running around, constantly asking me questions, losing attention of the planned activities that I have set-up. And I just asked myself, “when can I drop them off”? I mean they are really beautiful, loveable girls, but it’s been one and a half hours, and I feel exhausted already!! What’s wrong with me? I’m thinking I’m just not mother material. They were cute for the first half hour, now they’re more like little untrained puppies, that I have to watch 24/7 (but at least potty trained, lol!) I’m disappointed in myself. I don’t think I’ll be ready to be a full time mother anytime soon :-(


  1. I know what you mean! I think I would get along better with an older child. I've been considering adoption... lol even though I am 25 and single - ha!

  2. As I said before, you grow with your own child. You Godchildren have different schedules than you, different interest and attention spans. When they are ur own you mold them to be like you want. My son is the only exception to the rule that I know of but that a story for another day. Stop putting so much negative pressure on yourself. Do u think I was ready to be a single-mom at 26? I was living the life but she turned out to be a wonderful little lady and "I" did that with a little help from my family, including you. Love cures all self doubt.
