Thursday, March 31, 2011

So what!

So, I just can't sit down. I don't know what's wrong with me. I don’t have kids yet, but dammit if I can’t sit still! A few weekends ago, the better half went out of town, and boy was I excited! No one to cook for but me, I could watch the movies I chose, and not worry about someone changing the channel, and no worry about my turn to use the computer. My plan was to catch up on ALL of season 2 of Mad Men, clean the bathroom, open a bottle of wine and order takeout, and not think about someone coming from behind and throwing it all off.

But it didn’t work! I woke up Sat late morning, started cleaning the bathroom, and thought, it would make sense to clean the other bathrooms, since you’ve got the mop, bucket, and gloves out already. When that was done I figured I was already messy, I might as well vacuum. Oh, and there’s dust over there, let me clean that. When I finally, stopped and sat down, I couldn’t help but keep getting up! And even when Mad Men was on, I found something to pick up, something to wipe down, or something to re-organize. I don’t get it. I’m disappointed in myself. I miss my laziness and ability to just say “so what!”

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

15 Things to Do Before You Have Kids

15 Things to Do Before You Have Kids

I thought this was a great article, and a further excuse as to why I am NOT ready to have kids!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Let me take a moment and tell you about one of my very best friends. She's a beautiful young and intelligent woman . We struggled together to complete a major academic degree, and now she owns her own place, holds down a praise-worthy salary, owns TWO vehicles, and has supported both her sister and brother while they were in school.

When I think of this lovely lady, the word, "exotic" pops in my head. She grew up in a non-American culture and never fails to project that when you are in her presence. It's in her conversations, her home decor, her attitude. Never "regular", she has a dynamic taste that I've always envied. She ALWAYS dresses to the nine, with well put together outfits. I'm sorry, outfits don't do them justice, let's use the word- moments. And she only rocks the latest style when it comes to her well cared for tresses. On top of that her vacations are on an international level. (Most people dream of this) She is in a class above others.

But under all of her accomplishments and the aesthetics, she is a wonderful friend. She is funny, dependable, and a good listener. Most of all she is loyal, supportive, and trustworthy. I feel honored that she calls me friend (actually she calls me a BFF).

With all that going on, the final word I will describe her with is... FABULOUS!

Love you, babe!! :-)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Seeds of Spring

I'm super excited that the first day of Spring has arrived along with the up and down weather pattern that ushers in the upcoming summer season. This past weekend, we took full advantage and spent the entire day outside doing yard clean-up. We weeded, planted, trimmed, watered, raked, and shoveled. I planted 15 bulbs of things I've never heard of and with each burial, said a slight prayer to the planting gods to "bless these beds and produce healthy strong sprouts". The fresh air was calming and the already early blooms were picturesque.

We started composting last fall and our meager pile has grown into a huge 6x8x 1ft high pile of decomposed fruits, veggies, other table scraps, and dried leaves- which is actually great recycled fertilizer. The fun part was transporting it to a new area of the yard- lotta work!

So now, my next task is starting seeds. When we visited Massachusetts last fall, my new uncle-in-law gave me a bunch of seeds out of his garden to try in my own. Cone flower, Lamb's Ear, Hollyhock, Sweet William, Gaillardia, (don't be impressed- I googled all of them). It's too cold to sow seeds outdoors at this time of the year, so I got a little greenhouse kit and planted the seeds today. I'll keep them indoors until they sprout and get strong enough to hold their own, then transport them into the ground, late April- I think. I'm excited and nervous because I've never messed with seeds before. But it's neat to see something grow from scratch. It's most exciting just the trying and experimenting.

Hmmm.... Spring.

Need a new way to make tea?

I wanted to share a new step-by-step method that I recently got to try...
(I DO NOT at all condone re-trying this)

So you get a large pot. Nothing too big, but big enough for more than one cup. You don't want to have to wait to boil more water in the case you want a second cup! I like to use a kettle. It's easy to pour and audibly indicates when the boiling water is ready.

So you take the pot to the stove top, place it on an eye, then turn on an alternate eye to high. (Preferably, you should pick an eye with something sitting on it. Something that's only slightly heat tolerant, but DO NOT turn on the eye with the kettle- that's too easy)

Next walk away, take a seat on the couch, watch TV, and wait to hear the whistle from the pot.

Realize in about 15, no let's say 20 full minutes, that you haven't heard anything. Have your husband, significant other, friend, (doesn't really matter who) walk into the kitchen and say, "What is that smell"? Rush over and check why there's no whistle and what "that smell" could be. Stare at the stove for a second, puzzled.

Realize that since you turned on the control for the OPPOSITE eye the water in the kettle is NOT boiling and immediately see that the ceramic sugar storage jar is actually heating up. Even better it's currently sealed and full of sugar, so that's probably caramelizing away.

Immediately remove the sugar jar (preferably with a pot holder) and transfer to the sink. Unseal the jar, and surprise- bubbly, piping hot, homemade caramel is beginning to form ;-)

I would suggest immediately dumping the boiling, caramelizing sugar as soon as possible, before it hardens. Then rinse the jar and leave it in the sink to dry.

Laugh out out loud at yourself (and thank God, your house didn't burn down)

Return to the stove, turn on the CORRECT eye that sits UNDER the kettle. Remain in kitchen and wait for pot to whistle. The water should be ready in 5-7 minutes.