Tuesday, November 2, 2010

10 things I hate about you

1. I have a problem when it comes to sweets. Forget sweets, I'm a chocolate whore
2. I'm jealous of my single friends.
3. Now that I've gotten married, I can't help but compare everything about any wedding I ever go to my own. (mine was just better, right?)
4. I don't really like people. I avoid crowds when I can.
5. I sometimes fantasize about becoming a stay at home housewife.
6. I don't write enough on my own blog.
7. I completely turned up my nose on going to my high school reunion.
8. I don't really like other people's children all that much :-(
9. I would leave my husband for Michael Ealy. I really would and he knows it.
10. The most drama I've ever been through in my life was not with a guy, but with female friends.

1 comment:

  1. No need to complete #9...I have first dibs on him lol....and I totally agree with #10!!!
