Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What is sexy?

So I'm on my way to albuquerque, NM for work.  I'm sitting on a plane, lodged in between 2 large men reading the latest issue of Glamour thinking y has only an hour of my 4 hour flight passed so far? I just finished reading a quick article about what guys find sexy, which of course inspired this particular blog.

Of course there's the obvious "well if she drives a stick shift" and I'm thinking my first car was a manual but I think when guys saw that, although they remarked they were impressed I think they were more so intimidated. Then there's the common "well when she just ties up her hair after a long day and throws on a tee shirt..." and I start to think what my man would say if he was asked. Would it be that I tend to wear grandma underwear to bed, confidently, and regularly? (im pretty lazy when it comes to my bedroom wardrobe) or maybe the fact that its really hard for me to let things go? I can argue him under the table!  (What am I thinking- that would definitely be the least sexy to him.  Or would it be the fact that I can be a complete nerd and clutz in some situations?  This is actually hard. Describing me as sexy is similar to likening a child's juicy juice drink to a Cosmo.

What if I were to pick it? Anytime I take off my glasses? While I'm cooking some extremely complicated recipe and I fix him a plate?  No, no, no.... When I actually wear makeup which is very rare (lol, there's that laziness again!)  When I try to plan an actual romantic event, with food, music, kisses, contacts?  Oh wait, maybe when I leave him alone when the game is on.

I don't know. I'll ask.

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