Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sex in the City

If you know the littlest bit about me, then you would know that I am a Sex and the City FANATIC. I love the show, the stories, the fashion, the friendships. And I regularly (yes, regularly) watch the original episodes on demand. It just doesn’t get old to me. And that’s something, because I easily get tired of things.

Sure there are issues with the show. It focuses on a completely non-diverse group of women. These women ONLY ever take cabs. What kind of bill does that look like? Where are all the buses, trains, or other forms of public transportation? And pre-book deal, Carrie is a single gal, living in Manhattan, writing a column for a tabloid newspaper, and yet she dines out all the time and has a shoe collection that would rival that of a teenage heiress. Does that make anyone else raise an eyebrown? I mean honestly, that just doesn’t seem all that realistic.

But once you get over all that, what I love most about the show are the relationships. The relationships between the women, the relationships with men- I really feel that the show brings up real issues among people. The show does a neat job showing women’s reactions to challenges with men, other women, life events, and many times conflicts we have with ourselves. What I love most is the portrayal of the 4-woman friendship. These women prioritize their relationships with the gals. They regularly meet for dinners and drinks. They go out together, they shop together. They check up on each other. They show amazing loyalty to each other. They accept each other for who they are. I think people can agree that it’s hard to have a consistent group of friends, all geographically close, who all accept each other. Maybe it’s because these women are older? Who know’s. In the real world, close friends don’t always live so close, female personalities conflict, and relationships in general are just hard. But I will say, although it is only TV, it’s the fantasy world that I occasionally like to get away to.

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